"Bordered Lives” Was a project that involved young people living in temporary accommodation and refuges, producing creative self-portraits that were exhibited in bus shelters in Sydney.

The project was supported by Sydney City Council, South Sydney council, NSW Ministry for the Arts, 3M Australian Posters, The Australian Multicultural Foundation, The Australian Museum, Sydney University World Congress of Comparative Education. The main objective of Bordered Lives was to communicate issues around homelessness to a broad audience which was achieved successfully through media (channel 9 news and ABC Radio) and exhibitions in public spaces, The Australian Museum and Sydney Bus Stop shelters.

Digital imaging is the means by which individuals create artwork. Process is as important as the final image for active reflection on stories and identity. The final artworks are shown in pubic spaces to grant opportunity for communication to diverse audiences about issues of concern to participants. Such projects have given individuals a new opportunity to engage with an arts practice. “Bordered Lives” encouraged teenagers who were disengaged with the education system to re-engage through art practice.