Plastic Still Life Series, 2018. Oil on Polyester Film. 80cm x 60cm
Sue Murray is a Sydney based artist working with photography & painting. Her professional experience as a commercial photographer informs her practise. She is interested in the sensation of perception and the optical effects of light, as this phenomena transforms the pictorial space that objects inhabit. In this series ‘plastic still life’, she is creating a stilled space where audiences can engage with bigger questions about the natural world and our relationship with it.
Sue taught photography for over 10 years at University and TAFE before leaving to develop a unique program of accessible photography for people with spinal cord injury. In 1990 Sue graduated from COFA, UNI NSW with a Master of Art, with a major in digital imaging. 2018 Sue will graduate from National Art School with a Bachelor of Fine Art with a major in painting. Sue has been exhibiting since the mid 1990’s in both group and solo exhibitions as well as undertaking commissioned projects including National Museum, Canberra. Throughout her career Sue has been awarded numerous grants from peak Arts bodies such as Australia Council for the Arts & Arts NSW.